Zrodlo: Wolny Poznan.
Campaign against nazishops - kampania przeciwko sklepom sprzedajacym nazistowskie towary
kampania przeciwko sklepom sprzedajacym nazistowskie towary: więcej informacji - lydia@systemli.org ponizej list jaki otrzymalismy:
bitte weiterleiten - please forward
hallo! We have a special campaign here since last year, which has a main focus on shops who sell merchandising, clothes and other equipment shit for nazis. In the last time we care very much about networking with Czech and Poland because the problem with nazis does not stop on the borders – the nazis, especially blood&honour-networking are already much better international connect when we are. What do we need? We would like to have some information about the naziclothes-lifestyle in Poland. For instance in germany the nazis try to look much more normal then before. They avoid the well known brutal skinhead-outfit and create new lifestyles and codes. The best known for this is the trademarke THOR STEINAR (http://www.thorsteinar.de/shop/); which is also used by nazis outside of germany. Do you have tendencies like this in Poland or something else? We would be happy, to get at least some basic information about this. Thanxx Lydia